Envision Packet

Are you looking for a way to showcase Envision® sustainability and help others fully comprehend exactly what it can do? The 14-page Envision packet may be precisely what you need.

You can download the packet, or read the packet below. You can also view it on our Marketing Resources page.

STM’s Underground Garage near the Côte-Vertu Metro station in Montréal earns Envision Platinum for Sustainable Infrastructure

STM’s Underground Garage near the Côte-Vertu Metro station in Montréal earns Envision Platinum for Sustainable Infrastructure

–French Translation Follows–

The Garage souterrain pour voitures de métro a proximité de la station Côte-Vertu (Côte-Vertu garage) project was conceptualized in response to a need for an accessible location to maintain and park trains while relieving mounting pressure on a busy and growing metro network. The underground garage comprises a 10-story building that includes a track for trains to circulate from the Côte-Vertu station to the garage, a large area with a network of tracks to divert trains once they arrive, and three underground tunnels, including two tunnels to park and one to maintain trains.

The goals of the project are to:

  • Provide a parking area for trains
  • Increase the capacity of the metro network, enabling the addition of trains on the Orange line, thereby increasing service frequency during rush hour
  • Support the anticipated growth of the metro network over the next ten years
  • Ensure enough capacity for the eventual expansion of the Blue line.

View the entire announcement in the Project Awards Directory.

–French Translation–

Le projet de garage souterrain pour voitures de métro (Garage Côte-Vertu) de la Société de transport de Montréal (STM), a été conçu en réponse à plusieurs besoins dont celui d’avoir un endroit accessible pour entretenir les trains et celui d’équilibrer les espaces de stationnement aux extrémités de la ligne desservie. Situé à proximité de la station Côte-Vertu, il permettra une plus grande fréquence de passages afin de soulager la pression croissante sur une ligne de métro déjà chargée. Le garage Côte-Vertu est constitué de trois bâtiments de surface, dont un bâtiment de dix étages qui plonge sous terre jusqu’aux tunnels pour y loger un atelier d’entretien. Le projet comporte aussi une voie de raccordement pour que les trains puissent accéder au garage à partir de la station terminale Côte-Vertu et un imposant faisceau avec plusieurs appareils de voies pour guider les trains vers l’un des trois tunnels.

Les objectifs du projet sont de:

  • Ajouter dix espaces de stationnement pour les trains du métro ;
  • Augmenter la capacité du réseau de métro avec l’ajout de trains sur la ligne orange ce qui accroitra la fréquence de service jusqu’à 25 % aux heures de pointe ;
  • Soutenir la croissance de l’achalandage prévue pour les prochaines années;
  • Augmenter l’offre de service en vue du prolongement de la ligne bleue.

Projet vérifié par Envision

New ISI, McMaster University, & CSCE Collaboration in Canada

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City of Red Deer’s Water Treatment Plant RMF Earns Envision Bronze Award

Washington, D.C.— July 15, 2021 — Home to more than 101,000 residents, the City of Red Deer, which is located in central Alberta, operates a conventional surface water treatment plant that draws water from the Red Deer River and provides clean drinking water to the city and its regional customers. The primary goal of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Residuals Management Facility (RMF) is to improve the quality of the waste stream from the clarification process at the WTP prior to its discharge into the Red Deer River. Improved treatment of the waste streams from the new WTP RMF will reduce the visible plume created by the current discharge, reduce solids sedimentation and associated impacts on fish habitats, improve the river’s aesthetics, and encourage recreational activities.

The project is being constructed on a now out-of-service water treatment plant and sludge dewatering facility. These facilities are being demolished to accommodate the new RMF.

To learn more, visit the Project Awards Directory.

Le manuel de référence Envision v3 est maintenant offert en français | The Envision v3 Manual is now in French

English to Follow

Les Canadiens sont proactifs, passionnés et engagés dans la conception et la création d’infrastructure durables, résilientes et équitables; ISI facilite considérablement cette tâche. Jusqu’à présent, le manuel de référence Envision v3 n’était offert qu’en anglais, mais il est maintenant aussi offert en français.

Cela contribuera grandement à offrir à tous les Canadiens l’occasion d’utiliser Envision et de consulter le processus de vérification du projet dans la langue officielle de leur choix.

Depuis la création d’ISI il y a 10 ans, l’utilisation d’Envision a connu une croissance régulière au Canada et les professionnels de la durabilité Envision (PD ENV) ont manifesté un grand intérêt à diriger des projets d’infrastructure civile à travers le pays.

La version française du manuel de référence Envision v3 permet à tous les Canadiens de concevoir et de créer de meilleures infrastructures pour protéger l’environnement, améliorer la santé et le bien-être de la population, et soutenir l’économie.

Pour accéder à votre copie et la télécharger, connectez-vous ou créez votre compte ISI gratuit : www.sustainableinfrastructure.org.


Canadians are proactive, passionate, and committed to designing and building sustainable, resilient and equitable infrastructure – and ISI has just made this a lot easier. To date, the Envision v3 Guidance manual has only been offered in English, but as of today, it is also available in French.

This will go a long way in providing all Canadians with the opportunity to use Envision and navigate the project verification process in the official language of their choice.

Since ISI’s inception 10 years ago, Envision use has grown steadily in Canada, and there has been a great deal of interest in having Envision Sustainability Professionals (ENV SPs) lead civil infrastructure projects across the country.

The French version of the Envision v3 Guidance Manual enables all Canadians to design and build better infrastructure to protect the environment, enhance human health and well-being, and bolster economies.

To access and download your copy, log in to or create your free ISI account: www.sustainableinfrastructure.org.


Burnaby’s Willingdon Linear Park Earns Envision Silver

The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) announced today that the Willingdon Linear Park located in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada is the recent recipient of the Envision® Silver award for sustainable infrastructure.

The project consists of approximately 1.17 kilometres of park and trail development, spanning thirteen city blocks. The road rehabilitation and construction of the park included milling of existing asphalt, asphalt replacement, construction of a new multi-use pathway, extensive landscaping, retaining walls, and other features.

The Willingdon Linear Park accomplishes several goals and meets the needs of the community by:

  • incorporating multi-use pathways;
  • offering safe pedestrian and cyclist road and laneway crossings;
  • integrating rest areas and pocket parks;
  • enhancing user comfort through park furnishings, lighting, trees, and other features; and
  • establishing character and distinction to the area.

The City of Burnaby worked closely with Eurovia British Columbia and ISL Engineering to deliver this award-winning sustainable project.

Learn more about the project by visiting the PROJECT PAGE.

British Columbia Institute of Technology’s North Campus Infrastructure Project Earns Envision Gold

The North Campus Infrastructure Project at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Burnaby, British Columbia is the recent recipient of the Envision®Gold award for sustainable infrastructure.

“The continuous community engagement throughout the North Campus Infrastructure Project has allowed BCIT to fully understand the needs of its community and to guide development and renewal opportunities that provide long-term benefits. This award further recognizes BCIT for its strong commitment and leadership in sustainability,” said Kathy Kinloch, President of BCIT.

Funded by the Province of British Columbia, the Government of Canada Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund, and BCIT, the North Campus Infrastructure project provides a critical upgrade to the campus’ electrical infrastructure. Electrical power at the Burnaby Campus is currently provided through two on-campus high-voltage (HV) receiving stations called Goard Way and Canada Way, which are connected to the 12.5 kV HV service provided by BC Hydro.

BCIT worked in close collaboration with Stantec, PCL Constructors Westcoast, R.F. Binnie & Associates, and PFS Studio to deliver this award-winning sustainable project.

CLICK HERE to learn more about this project.