FCM Green Municipal Fund and Envision
Through the Envision Canada partnerships CSCE has advocated to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for recognition of Envision verification. We are pleased that projects that are applying to the FCM Green Municipal Fund (GMF) can now include the administrative cost of Envision verification as an eligible reimbursable expense! If you work for a community or know of a community project that would be eligible for GMF, we encourage you to apply and integrate Envision as part of your project. Here are just a few GMF opportunities that qualify:
CSCE 2025 Conference & Call for Abstracts
Mark your calendars to attend the annual CSCE conference in Winnipeg, May 28-30, 2025. We hope to feature a series of Envision-themed presentations from the growing Envision Canada community! You are invited to submit abstracts that feature your application of Envision for projects underway or completed, organizational change, unique applications, research, etc. Keep an eye on the conference website for the call for abstracts to be posted in Aug. https://www.csce2025winnipeg.ca
New French Resources Available
The ENV SP exam is now available in French! In the coming weeks, ISI will also make available the French version of two verification resources: Envision Credit Cover Sheets as well as the Pre-Verification Checklist. ISI resources, including the Envision manual in French, are available in user’s ISI dashboards.
Upcoming English and French ENV SP Credential Training (September 2024)
Help share the news with others who might have interest in becoming an ENV SP: Almost 10,000 professionals globally, and 1,000 in Canada, have obtained the Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential to help advance the sustainability performance of their capital projects. Two upcoming virtual training sessions will be hosted through the Envision Canada partnership:
Cost: Full-time Faculty/Students CAD$400 | Public Sector CAD$650 | Private Sector (ISI/CSCE members) CAD$875 | Private Sector (non-members) CAD$1,060.
WSP Canada Led a June 2024 Webinar on Envision
Kirsten MacKenzie and Maeri Machado of the WSP Climate Change, Resilience, Sustainability and Energy Group delved into the significance of Envision for the industry, its impacts on current and future Canadian projects and shared guidance on adopting Envision in future projects in a June webinar. Two of the Envision case studies presented included Advanced Tunnel 2 Project for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension in Toronto, Ont. and the Centerm Expansion and South Shore Access Project in Vancouver, B.C. The video can be replayed in the following link. A writeup on the webinar was also published in the Environment Journal.
CSCE 2024 Niagara Falls Re-Cap
A special thank-you to the speakers who made possible the Envision Canada-hosted session at the CSCE 2024 Conference on June 5 in Niagara Falls. Prof. Catherine LeBlanc, Université de Moncton, Scott Smith, Mott MacDonald, Terry Neimeyer, KCI Technologies and Chair, ASCE Committee on Sustainability, Norman Shippee, Stantec, and Dan Sandink, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction delivered a session packed with insights on embedding sustainability
In addition, at the conference this year, which focused on the theme of “Adapting to Climate, Technology, and Growth,” CEOs from three of the world’s top engineering firms shared their perspectives on delivering higher performing projects to meet the surging demand for infrastructure. This session was the focus of the article, “Charting the path to infrastructure transformation with higher performing projects,” which appeared in ACEC Canada’s newsletter. https://myemail-api.constantcontact.com/–are-you-free-on-October-23-24–Join-us-for-our-Engineering-Excellence-series-of-events-.html?soid=1135797327007&aid=W-8Epjkd5qQ
Get in touch
Let us know if you have an Envision project to profile, if you are conducting research related to Envision, or if you are promoting Envision at a conference or through an article so that we can profile your leadership! Contact Lourettte Swanepoel (lourette@csce.ca) with questions about the Envision Canada program. You can also visit the Envision Canada website.
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