Marketing: Envision by the Numbers, toolkits and more
 | Envision Canada Packet | The Envision Canada Packet contains everything you need to know about Envision Canada, including responses to FAQs. | January 2024 |
 | Envision by the Numbers | This slidedeck has information on Envision use and related statistics from our Verification, Credentialing and Membership Programs. Updated on a quarterly basis. | January 2024 |
 | Sustainability and the Role of Envision | This PowerPoint presentation gives a brief introduction to ISI, Envision, and key concepts of sustainable development. | April 2019
 | 'Sustain or Explain' Marketing Campaign | It’s a watershed moment for the role of infrastructure in building back better and Envision can lead the way forward. | April 2020 |
 | Rebuilding Better | The time has come for the A/E/C industry to plan, design, and build ‘shovel-worthy’ projects, not just shovel-ready ones. | May 2020 |
 | Social Media Toolkit | In July 2020, ISI held a social media campaign to advocate for sustainability, urging lawmakers and others to focus on rebuilding sustainably. Access this social media toolkit for campaign inspiration and advocacy tips. | June 2020 |
 | Become an ENV SP | Are you a student who is passionate about sustainability, resiliency, and equity? Consider becoming an Envision Sustainability Professional. | July 2020 |
 | Sample Resolution to support use of Envision | This template was developed to encourage municipal authorities to adopt use of the Envision Sustainability Framework as a general best practice on projects. | September 2020 |
 | Sustain it or Explain it Advocacy Toolkit | Here is a short version of the above brochure, designed as a quick guide to the advocacy elements that can support sustainable infrastructure. | July 2021 |