ISI has an impressive line-up of webinar topics and speakers for 2022. Learn timely information, while advancing your knowledge of sustainable, resilient, and equitable infrastructure. Our webinars are designed to meet the needs of a range of sustainability practitioners — from Envision Sustainability Professionals (ENV SPs) who have worked on numerous Envision projects, to those just starting out on their sustainability journey, to everyone in-between.
Please sign up for the webinars of interest to you using the registration links below. Registration is complimentary! (All webinars hosted by ISI qualify for education hours toward maintaining your ENV SP credential. Where noted with an asterisk (*) webinars qualify for prescribed education hours. For current and prospective ENV SPs, please view our Guidance Document for ENV SP Credential Holders for a list of annual credential maintenance requirements.)
💻 Exploring the Nexus of NEPA, Sustainability, and Envision
Presented by Caroline Pinegar, HNTB Corporation; Lauren Evans, Pinyon Environmental, Inc.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Exploring the Nexus of NEPA, Sustainability, and Envision
This webinar will focus on the benefits of starting the Envision process during early planning phases and specifically during the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) process.
The potential advantages and early lessons learned while working on projects that are committed to an Envision certification by the time the NEPA process begins will be discussed. The presenters’ initial experiences have shown that projects undergoing NEPA are able to take advantage of the synergies between NEPA and Envision and vice versa.
🆕 Federal Sustainable Infrastructure Initiatives
A presentation by Ingrid Kolb, Director, Office of Management, U.S. Department of Energy
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Ingrid Kolb, Department of Energy presentation
💻 Envision Highlights Omaha RiverFront Innovation – A Credit Deep Dive
Presented by Jennifer Ninete, HDR
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Envision Highlights Omaha Riverfront
The Riverfront Revitalization Project (known locally as The RiverFront) was Platinum Envision verified in October 2021. The first project in Nebraska to receive Envision recognition is transforming downtown Omaha along the Missouri River by connecting three parks near the city’s downtown core, including the Gene Leahy Mall, Heartland of America Park, and Lewis and Clark Landing. This transformation includes numerous innovative elements that were highlighted in the project’s Envision submittal. The webinar will examine the project’s Quality of Life and Leadership innovation credits, in addition to providing some insight into the overall verification process.
🆕 Federal Sustainable Infrastructure Initiatives
A presentation by Michael Connor, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Michael Connor, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers presentation
💻 Foundational Decade for Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure
*This course qualifies toward 2 prescribed hours of education toward ENV SP credential maintenance.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Foundational Decade for Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure
ISI’s 10-year history is built on a foundation of grassroots advocacy by people who are passionate about sustainable infrastructure. This course showcases the key influencers, along with the milestone projects that served as the platform for ISI’s growth and increasing Envision use across the U.S., Canada, and globally. It also prepares ENV SPs for advocacy by strengthening their foundational knowledge of ISI and the Envision framework. Examples are presented to demonstrate success by ISI members, ENV SPs, and project teams throughout the past 10 years. These will inform future efforts and inspire expanded use of Envision.
💻 The City of Fort Wayne’s Journey with Envision
Presented by: Pat Carney, City of Fort Wayne
Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: City of Fort Wayne’s Journey with Envision
This presentation will cover Fort Wayne’s implementation of Envision within the City Utilities Engineering Department and lessons learned. Beginning with engaging design, engineering and construction firms, the speaker will show how over 50 projects have used the Envision framework as part of the project process. Creation of custom internal guidance documents helped quantify the Envision credits, and these documents will be exemplified through practical use cases.
💻 Socially Just and Equitable Infrastructure; COVID-19: Road to Recovery
*This course qualifies toward 2 prescribed hours of education toward ENV SP credential maintenance.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Socially Just and Equitable Infrastructure
Part one of this two-part webinar takes a look at how justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion intersect with the infrastructure industry. Their importance and relationship with each other are explored, while the process of how to achieve and measure equitable outcomes is provided.
Part two begins by comparing and contrasting how various infrastructure sectors were affected by the shock of COVID-19, prior to focusing on the emphasis of resilience, and its requirement to safeguard infrastructure assets from future “black sheep” events.
💻 Envision, Taking a Systems Approach to Sustainable Infrastructure
Presented by: Mary Simmerer, California Department of Water Resources
Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Envision, Taking a Systems Approach
Infrastructure creates the groundwork for human activities and human communities. It undergirds the structure of the economy and ties into other systems, creating interlocking systems. When building new infrastructure, ignoring the system approach means the resulting infrastructure is less effective and less able to tie into other systems. The risk of system failure is, therefore, high.
Using the Envision rating tool helps identify critical system components and brings system solutions to system problems. This presentation highlights basic-system-theory principles and shows how using Envision works with basic-system principles to create healthier, more sustainable infrastructure.
💻 Net Embodied Carbon
Presented by Michelle Christopherson, WSP; Frank Schwamborn and Rebecca Ramsdale, Verdical Group
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET
Zoom registration link: Net Embodied Carbon
The presentation will define common carbon-related terms, explain how embodied carbon is measured and tracked, and discuss strategies for how to reduce your project’s embodied carbon.
The goal is to walk the audience through real-life hurdles to make significant embodied carbon emissions reductions. Experts will share rationale and common embodied carbon reduction strategies, and discuss the lessons learned from project experience to overcome challenges.
Missed one or more of ISI’s webinars? Not to worry, recordings of past webinars are available through the “All Courses” library in your Envision account.
Envision Implementation: Organization-wide Strategies; Best Practices for Using Envision on Projects and Across Portfolios
Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET
*This webinar qualifies toward 2 prescribed hours of education toward ENV SP credential maintenance.
An increasing number of public and private sector stakeholders are using Envision to plan, design, and deliver more sustainable infrastructure by setting standards, establishing policies, and pursuing verification.
Part 1 of this 2-part webinar demonstrates how Envision can be used to develop a holistic approach that extends beyond individual project success. Leaders from across all industry sectors offer detailed examples that illustrate ways Envision has bolstered their sustainable business practices. These examples are intended to inspire new approaches that can be strategically integrated into everyday operations. Part 2 further shows how Envision may be used as a tool to implement best practices and enhance designs beyond the success of individual projects. The examples illustrated throughout this course are models for Envision that standardize implementation approaches across the project life cycle.
U.S. Federal Sustainability Plan: Goals and Strategy
Presented by Andrew Mayock, Federal Chief Sustainability Officer
Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Nuts and Bolts for Local Government: Building Internal Support, Training Staff & Operationalizing Process
Presented by Carol Davis, Town of Blacksburg
Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
What does it take to integrate the Envision framework into the way your local government approaches infrastructure?
Carol Davis, the Sustainability Manager for the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia will share background on why her community came to embrace Envision, how key decision-makers and staff were engaged and trained, and how Blacksburg integrated Envision into critical process steps that intersect with the lifecycle of infrastructure projects, from early visioning to post-construction operations.