An Invitation to Join the AssetAdapt+ Water/Wastewater Cohort

ISI is collaborating with CSCE and the Climate Resilience Institute (CRI) on the new AssetAdapt+ Initiative, which uses Envision as one tool to better equip communities in delivering climate-resilient and sustainable infrastructure. The project, funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund (FCM’s GMF), looks to empower local government staff through capacity-building activities like the water/wastewater peer cohort.

An invitation to join the cohort has just been released, with the opportunity for participants to build resilient & sustainable infrastructure for their community!

🔹 Is your community planning a water or wastewater capital project in the next three years?

🔹 Do you want expert guidance on integrating climate resilience and sustainability into your infrastructure projects?

🔹 Would you benefit from training, guidance and collaboration—at no cost to your municipality?

The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) and the Climate Risk Institute (CRI) invite municipalities and Indigenous communities across Canada to join the AssetAdapt+ Water/Wastewater Cohort—a 12-month peer-learning program designed to help communities build infrastructure that withstands climate risks and meets sustainability goals.

Why Participate?

✅ Learn from PIEVC & Envision® professionals.
✅ Work alongside 10 communities and experts in structured workshops and design charrettes.
✅ Receive guidance in drafting a scope of work for sustainability and climate resilience services that aligns with best practices and funding criteria (e.g., FCM Green Municipal Fund, CRIS).
✅ Gain valuable knowledge and support at no financial cost to your municipality.

Who Can Apply?

✔️ Canadian municipalities &Indigenous communities with a planned water/wastewater capital project renewal, replacement, or new).

✔️Please find more details on eligibility and participation requirements by clicking the button below — “Expression of Interest: Detailed Document.”

📩 Submit your Expression of Interest by April 4th by completing the following Expression of Interest form, which is also embedded in the Expression of Interest document linked in the button below.

Don’t miss this opportunity to future-proof your community’s infrastructure! We also invite you to share this announcement with others colleagues who might benefit.

📧 For inquiries, contact:

Funding provided by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund (FCM’s GMF) under the Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (LLCA).

Formation Envision® ENV SP: le 24 et le 25 mars

8 000 professionnels dans le monde, et près de 1 000 au Canada, ont obtenu la certification Envision Sustainability Professional pour les aider à améliorer la performance de leurs projets d’investissement dans le domaine du développement durable.  Participez à cette session de formation animée virtuellement!


Format de la formation : Formation virtuelle

Dates de la formation : 24 et 25 mars 2025, 12h30–16h00 HAE (la participation aux deux jours est obligatoire pour être éligible à passer l’examen de certification ENV SP)

Langue : La formation se déroulera en français (le formateur, Kais Benabderrahmane*, parle également couramment l’anglais).

À propos d’Envision

Le cadre Envision® pour les infrastructures durables est utilisé au Canada depuis sa création, il y a plus de dix ans. En 2021, la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC) a conclu le partenariat Envision Canada avec l’Institut pour les infrastructures durables (ISI) et a adopté Envision® en tant que principal cadre pour les infrastructures durables au Canada afin d’accélérer les résultats en matière de durabilité, de résilience et d’équité des projets d’infrastructure canadiens de tous types. Le cadre est appuyé par le titre de professionnel en durabilité Envision (ENV SP), un titre de plus en plus recherché par les professionnels impliqués dans les projets d’infrastructure. Que vous travailliez dans le secteur public ou privé, dans la conception ou la construction, ou sur des projets d’investissement dans les transports, l’eau, les eaux usées, les déchets, l’approvisionnement en énergie, les infrastructures naturelles, etc., la formation permet d’orienter et d’équiper les professionnels avec les connaissances de base nécessaires pour utiliser le cadre global Envision comme un outil permettant d’améliorer la performance en matière de durabilité de leurs projets d’investissement.

À propos de la formation ENV SP

La formation à la certification ENV SP est conçue pour former les candidats au cadre Envision et est maintenue annuellement en s’engageant dans un large éventail d’opportunités de maintien de la certification. À l’issue de la formation, les candidats comprendront le fonctionnement d’Envision, la manière avec laquelle ils peuvent améliorer la durabilité de leurs projets, et seront en mesure d’entreprendre une évaluation de base de la durabilité des projets.

À l’issue de la formation, les candidats pourront passer un examen en ligne sur le site de l’ISI à leur convenance et, en cas de réussite, obtiendront leur certification Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP). Il est important de noter que la présente formation constitue un prérequis pour l’examen ENV SP et inclut les frais d’inscription à cet examen.

Objectifs d’apprentissage

  • Démontrer comment les infrastructures peuvent relever les défis inhérents au développement durable ;- Décrire les composantes d’Envision ;
  • Évaluer la durabilité des projets d’infrastructure à l’aide du cadre Envision ;
  • Décrire le processus de vérification d’Envision ; et
  • Utiliser Envision pour planifier, concevoir et fournir des infrastructures plus durables.

Coût et inscription

Les frais comprennent la formation et les frais d’examen en ligne de l’ISI.

  • Étudiants et professeurs à temps plein**: 400 $CAN
  • Personnel du secteur public: 650 $CAN
  • Personnel du secteur privé (membres de la SCGC ou de l’ISI*): 875 $CAN
  • Personnel du secteur privé (non-membres): 1 060 $CAN

*Kais travaille en tant que gestionnaire de projet dans une agence de transport public à Montréal, Canada. Sa dévotion à la gestion de projet, au développement durable et à la conception urbaine est soutenue par des accréditations professionnelles et une formation académique (ENVISION, CNU-A, PMP). Il est également formateur certifié ISI. Il fait partie d’équipes de recherche sur l’environnement bâti au sein de l’École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) à Montréal. Kais a participé à des projets visant la certification ENVISION dans le cadre de son travail. Avec un fort engagement envers la durabilité et une compréhension approfondie du cadre Envision, Kais est bien équipé pour fournir efficacement une formation sur les principes de la certification ENVISION et préparer les participants à l’examen pour ceux qui souhaitent le passer.

**L’inscription doit être effectuée avec une adresse courriel d’un établissement universitaire

Détails et inscription

CSCE and Climate Risk Institute Announce Joint Initiative

The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) and the Climate Risk Institute (CRI) are proud to announce the collaborative launch of the new AssetAdapt+ initiative!

AssetAdapt+ will utilize the PIEVC Protocol for assessing climate vulnerabilities and risk, along with the Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework, to equip communities in delivering climate-resilient and sustainable infrastructure. This will enable them to procure and deliver capital infrastructure assets that incorporate climate adaptation measures and simultaneously achieve sustainability objectives. Over the next two years (2025/2026), local government staff will be empowered through capacity-building activities, including:

  • Webinars to raise sustainability and climate resilience awareness among public asset owners.
  • Comprehensive training. Diving into the fundamentals of the Envision sustainability framework and PIEVC resilience protocol, with an option to earn professional credentials.
  • Development of a water/wastewater peer cohort. Collaborating with peers and mentors to develop scopes of work for procuring professional services that advance sustainability and climate resilience for upcoming water and wastewater infrastructure.
  • Scaling up learning across communities and project types through a procurement workshop.

To learn more about the project, please visit or contact us

This project is made possible with funding provided by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund (FCM’s GMF) under the Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (LLCA) capacity building program, which is funded by the government of Canada. (The full list of grantees were announced at FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference 2025 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, February 10–13).

“ISI is very pleased about the collaboration between the CSCE and the Climate Resilience Institute / PIEVC on the new AssetAdapt+ initiative. We are stronger when we work together for sustainability and resilience. Through this initiative, communities and projects will learn from peers and mentors, including the insights from two leading programs, Envision and the PIEVC Protocol, so that they are better equipped to evaluate and respond to climate related risks.”
— Anthony Kane, President & CEO of ISI, CSCE’s partner on the delivery of Envision in Canada

About the LLCA initiative

The Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (LLCA) initiative is a $530 million program provided through FCM’s Green Municipal Fund that aims to accelerate local, equity-informed climate adaptation action by supporting knowledge development and project implementation across 1,400 municipalities.

LLCA is funded through the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan and is a key component of the National Adaptation Strategy. LLCA is Canada’s second largest funding source helping municipalities adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Join us for the CSCE Annual Conference in Winnipeg, May 28-30, 2025!








Envision Canada’s partner,  the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) invites you to its annual conference, CSCE Winnipeg 2025! The conference will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in the heart of downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba from Wednesday, May 28 to Friday, May 30, 2025.

The conference will provide a great opportunity to bring together academics, researchers, and practitioners from around the world in various fields of civil engineering, to present, review and debate recent achievements and innovative solutions as well as address and define the challenges of the present and the future, as we come together to explore the theme of Empowering communities through sustainable and resilient engineering solutions.

The City of Winnipeg is well known as “the cultural cradle of Canada”, and home to a very diverse population, the world-class Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the world’s most comprehensive Arctic species exhibit, the Forks, the historical Exchange District, the French-flavored St. Boniface, and many other attractions. A variety of activities are being planned to entertain conference delegates and their guests, family, and friends.

August 2024 Envision Canada E-News

FCM Green Municipal Fund and Envision

Through the Envision Canada partnerships CSCE has advocated to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for recognition of Envision verification. We are pleased that projects that are applying to the FCM Green Municipal Fund (GMF) can now include the administrative cost of Envision verification as an eligible reimbursable expense! If you work for a community or know of a community project that would be eligible for GMF, we encourage you to apply and integrate Envision as part of your project. Here are just a few GMF opportunities that qualify:

CSCE 2025 Conference & Call for Abstracts

Mark your calendars to attend the annual CSCE conference in Winnipeg, May 28-30, 2025. We hope to feature a series of Envision-themed presentations from the growing Envision Canada community! You are invited to submit abstracts that feature your application of Envision for projects underway or completed, organizational change, unique applications, research, etc. Keep an eye on the conference website for the call for abstracts to be posted in Aug.

New French Resources Available

The ENV SP exam is now available in French! In the coming weeks, ISI will also make available the French version of two verification resources: Envision Credit Cover Sheets as well as the Pre-Verification Checklist. ISI resources, including the Envision manual in French, are available in user’s ISI dashboards.

Upcoming English and French ENV SP Credential Training (September 2024)

Help share the news with others who might have interest in becoming an ENV SP: Almost 10,000 professionals globally, and 1,000 in Canada, have obtained the Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential to help advance the sustainability performance of their capital projects. Two upcoming virtual training sessions will be hosted through the Envision Canada partnership:

Cost: Full-time Faculty/Students CAD$400 | Public Sector CAD$650 | Private Sector (ISI/CSCE members) CAD$875 | Private Sector (non-members) CAD$1,060.

WSP Canada Led a June 2024 Webinar on Envision

Kirsten MacKenzie and Maeri Machado of the WSP Climate Change, Resilience, Sustainability and Energy Group delved into the significance of Envision for the industry, its impacts on current and future Canadian projects and shared guidance on adopting Envision in future projects in a June webinar. Two of the Envision case studies presented included Advanced Tunnel 2 Project for the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension in Toronto, Ont. and the Centerm Expansion and South Shore Access Project in Vancouver, B.C. The video can be replayed in the following link. A writeup on the webinar was also published in the Environment Journal.

CSCE 2024 Niagara Falls Re-Cap

A special thank-you to the speakers who made possible the Envision Canada-hosted session at the CSCE 2024 Conference on June 5 in Niagara Falls. Prof. Catherine LeBlanc, Université de Moncton, Scott Smith, Mott MacDonald, Terry Neimeyer, KCI Technologies and Chair, ASCE Committee on Sustainability, Norman Shippee, Stantec, and Dan Sandink, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction delivered a session packed with insights on embedding sustainability

In addition, at the conference this year, which focused on the theme of “Adapting to Climate, Technology, and Growth,” CEOs from three of the world’s top engineering firms shared their perspectives on delivering higher performing projects to meet the surging demand for infrastructure. This session was the focus of the article, “Charting the path to infrastructure transformation with higher performing projects,” which appeared in ACEC Canada’s newsletter.–are-you-free-on-October-23-24–Join-us-for-our-Engineering-Excellence-series-of-events-.html?soid=1135797327007&aid=W-8Epjkd5qQ

Get in touch

Let us know if you have an Envision project to profile, if you are conducting research related to Envision, or if you are promoting Envision at a conference or through an article so that we can profile your leadership! Contact Lourettte Swanepoel ( with questions about the Envision Canada program. You can also visit the Envision Canada website.

View these updates in e-newsletter format.

Recent ENV SP Training: July 10 & 11, 2024

The virtual training session prepared users to take the online self-paced exam and earn their ENV SP credential. Some 8,000 professionals globally, and over 800 in Canada, have obtained the Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) credential to help advance the sustainability performance of their capital projects. This virtual training session, hosted through the Envision Canada partnership, was facilitated by Brad Moore, P.Eng.*

When: July 10 and 11, 2024

Cost: Students CAD$400 | Public Sector CAD$650 | Private Sector (CSCE / ISI members) CAD$875 | Private Sector (non-members) CAD$1,060

CSCE Annual Conference Niagara Falls, Ontario

CSCE Niagara 2024 Conference

June 5 – June 7

Adapting to Climate, Technology and Growth. How will the civil engineering industry take leadership to address the compounding challenges of climate change and unprecedented urbanization? The conference will provide a forum for discussing the adaptation of technologies in the design and management of the next generation of smart and resilient infrastructure to create an urban environment geared toward achieving sustainability and well-being for both people and the natural environment.

Visit the conference site:

That’s a Wrap: The 2023 ISI Conference

Accelerate Action: Prioritizing Sustainable Infrastructure for Climate Change was a huge success.  

ISI’s third annual conference included a session focusing on “Contractor Perspectives on Envision Adoption” with Clément Boisselier, Aecon Group Inc., discussing Canadian projects; and a “Projects Showcase” Session that includes a presentation from Jill Roth on the Fairview Cove Marine Container Examination Facility Project. The recorded sessions continue to be available in the Zoom Events link.

CSCE’s Alberta Chapters Highlight Envision

CSCE’s Alberta chapters organized and introductory presentation on Oct. 17, 2023 that included an overview of what Envision is, the types of infrastructure it applies to, the benefits of using Envision, as well as the underlying components available to help advance its application in the industry. This webinar was presented by Joelle Doubrough, a certified Environmental Professional (designated via EcoCanada) and Senior Environmental Planner with SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.

Note: this event is now past. Details were posted here.