Throgs Neck Wastewater Pumping Station


Name: Throgs Neck Wastewater Pumping Station

Location: New York City, NY

Award Level: Silver

Brief Description: The Throgs Neck Wastewater Pumping Station located in Southeast Bronx has received an Envision Silver Award. It is one of 96 wastewater pumping stations in New York City. The pumping station has a capacity of 37 MGD with three dry pit submersible pumps. The project will upgrade existing sluice gates, pump controls, electrical power distribution and motor control systems, and heating/ventilation equipment. In addition, work includes modifications to existing structures and material handling systems to facilitate the maintenance and replacement of station equipment. The new electrical distribution system and electrical controls will be installed above grade along with a new emergency generator. The project will include recycled and regional material, energy efficient equipment, and significant measures for climate resiliency.

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