Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility

Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility Expansion Receives Bronze Award

The Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority’s (BJWSA) Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility (HWRF) expansion received the Bronze award. This is the first Envision-verified project in South Carolina. The project provides wastewater service to the areas surrounding the Town of Hardeeville in Jasper County, South Carolina. The facility is being expanded to a rated capacity of 2.7 million gallons per day, with consideration given to a second expansion to 4.0 million gallons per day capacity at a later date, and includes new headworks, flow equalization basin, oxidation ditches, secondary clarifiers, disinfection chambers, and auxiliary structures. The project has been designed to provide additional treatment capacity to enable new businesses to move to the area and adhere to more stringent water treatment requirements expected in the future.

“The Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility will allow the area of Hardeeville to grow and keep the impact on the Savannah River minimal. The Savannah River recently reallocated demands, and having an efficient treatment facility in design helped BJWSA secure their needs for the future. The Envision process worked with BJWSA strategic goals to be sustainable – it was satisfying to see design standards of BJWSA meet higher level criteria for Envision,” said Director of Engineering for BJWSA Brian Chemsak.

The Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority worked closely with HDR on the design of the Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility project. HDR, a company that specializes in engineering, architecture, and environmental and construction consultant services with a portfolio of sustainable projects, led the submittal process for Hardeeville’s Envision verification.

“This project was a pleasure to work on. BJWSA’s commitment to sustainability was evident throughout the design process, and compiling the Envision documentation reminded me just how many decisions – small and large – contributed to a sustainable final product. I’m proud to think of the positive ripple effects this project will have in the region for decades to come. Kudos to BJWSA for being a leader and for taking a long-term view with this facility,” said HDR Project Engineer David Christopher.

The HWRF project scored highest in the Leadership, Quality of Life, and Natural World categories of Envision’s sustainable infrastructure rating system. Key accomplishments of this project included:

Leadership (LD): BJWSA, the project owner, publicly committed to sustainable performance in the city’s Strategic Focus Plan, and in 2014 was the recipient of the first Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies’ Sustainable Water Utility Management Award, which recognizes utilities that have made a commitment to sustainable management through innovation and successful social, economic and environmental efforts. For this Envision award, the HWRF project demonstrated an extension of these commitments.

The project team targeted means to extend the facility’s useful life, and considered how the area’s water treatment requirements are expected to increase over time when including future expansion opportunities in the design. Durable materials were also included in the project’s design to maximize its lifespan and prevent premature failure from corrosion or wear.

Quality of Life (QL): The HWRF will increase the area’s water treatment capacity enabling additional developments and new businesses in the area. The facility is expected to spur local economic growth, development, and significant job creation across several sectors. Also, the expansion will enhance the quality of water discharged into the Savannah River, a valuable recreational and ecological resource. Additionally, the design plans to greatly improve site accessibility, safety and wayfinding compared with the existing conditions. For example, the design includes additional signage throughout the interior and exterior of the facility and more effective means for emergency personnel to gain access. Enhanced security features have also been included to improve public safety and security, and to prevent unauthorized entry.

Natural World (NW): Buffer zones, silt fencing, weekly monitoring of sediment and erosion control measures, seeding and stabilization of any disturbed areas, and stormwater drainage diversion measures were put in place to mitigate any potential impacts on areas of prime habitat or other areas of high ecological value. The project team also took measures to ensure the health of any disturbed soils on the project site by properly stockpiling them for safekeeping during construction and reusing them throughout the finished site.

“ISI is pleased to present the Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority with the Envision Bronze award for sustainable infrastructure,” said ISI President and CEO, Bill Bertera. “The Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility expansion is an excellent example of a sustainable infrastructure project addressing crucial short- and long-term water and sewer facility needs of the communities it serves,” he said.

“It is an honor to receive this award from ISI, and BJWSA always considers sustainability in our project designs and daily operations. This award helps highlight and document our commitment to sustainability,” General Manager Ed Saxon.

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